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Rabbit Hole

From her room on the palliative care unit, she is pondering questions.  Big questions. 

As she tries to find answers for some of these huge life questions, she also wonders about all of the other people around her on the unit. 

Are they pondering the same questions? 

What are they thinking? 

What are they feeling? 

What have their lives been like. 

She had a good life and has no regrets. 

Now as she explores these deep questions, it feels like she is travelling along a road with many rabbit holes. 

You can pop down into a rabbit hole.  Sometimes this is scary or somewhere you don’t want to be, so then you can climb out, travel further down the road, and pop into another rabbit hole. 

Sometimes she ponders and thinks about the vastness of the universe, and it is too much. 

So she pulls herself back into her small corner of the universe which is comfortable and safe. 

She also thinks about death. 

When all of this becomes too much and her brain is too full of thoughts, she climbs down the rabbit hole of mindless Netflix for a while.  After this break, she is able to continue her exploration. 


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